
Generate a fact about each of the files inside a directory. Can recurse into subfolders.


Option Type Description
path String A valid, existing file path. It won’t be created for you. The plugin will generate one fact for each file found there.
recurse Boolean Recurse into subdirectories. Defaults to false.


Field Type Description / Value
file:fullPath String /home/username/somefile.txt
file:name String somefile.txt
file:dev Number ID of the device containing the file
file:mode Number Protection bits
file:nlink Number Number of hard links pointing to this file
file:uid Number Id of the owner
file:gid Number Group id of the owner
file:rdev Number Device id (if the file is special)
file:size Number File size in bytes
file:blocks Number Blocks occupied
file:blksize Number Size in bytes of each block
file:atime Date Last access time
file:mtime Date Last modification time
file:ctime Date Last inode modification time
file:birthtime Date Not always supported, file creation time