****************** reddit ****************** Fetch submissions or private messages from Reddit. Configuration ============= Warning: markAsRead currently has no effect. This is a bug. Choose a ``mode`` between ``new`` (get the latest ``limit`` submissions), ``hot`` (get the ``limit`` hottest submissions - set ``limit`` to 25 to fetch the entire front page) or ``messages`` (ignore the chosen subreddit and get the latest ``limit`` private messages instead). In ``messages`` mode a Reddit ``identity`` is mandatory. Set it up with ``egeriactl``. It doesn't make any difference for the other modes. ================ ======= =========== Option Type Description ================ ======= =========== mode String Mandatory. One of ``new``, ``hot`` or ``messages``. subreddit String Mandatory unless mode is ``messages``. The name of the subreddit without the ``/r/``, e.g. ``all`` or ``funny``. limit Number How many submissions or messages should be fetched every time the plugin runs. markAsRead Boolean Only effective if the mode is ``messages``, defaults to false. Mark fetched messages as read. identity String Mandatory for mode ``messages``. Must be an Egeria identity of type "reddit". ================ ======= =========== Output ====== ========================================== ======= ========================== =================== Field Type Notes Description / Value ========================================== ======= ========================== =================== reddit:subreddit String The subreddit where this link was submitted reddit:created Date Tells you when the link or message was submitted. reddit:over_18 Boolean Is the content NSFW? This may mean different things depending on the subreddit, e.g. it could identify spoilers. reddit:stickied Boolean Is this a sticky? reddit:is_self Boolean Is it a self submission (i.e. not an external link)? reddit:title String Submission title. reddit:thumbnail URL Full address, unless nsfw If the submission is NSFW this field will contain the word "nsfw"; otherwise, it's a link to the submission thumbnail. reddit:url URL Full address Submitted link. reddit:domain String Domain of the submitted link (e.g. "youtube.com" for Youtube videos) reddit:link_flair_text String Submission flair. reddit:selftext_html String For text submissions, this contains the HTML version of the submission body. reddit:selftext String For text submissions, this contains the plaintext version of the submission body. reddit:author String Username of the submitter. reddit:author_flair_text String Submitter's flair. reddit:score String Karma! Delicious karma! This is the total. reddit:ups Number Number of upvotes. reddit:downs Number Number of downvotes. reddit:gilded Number The number of times it was gilded. reddit:locked Boolean Was the discussion locked? reddit:archived Boolean Is the submission archived? reddit:edited Boolean Was the submission edited? reddit:hidden Boolean Did you hide this submission? Only makes sense if you're using an identity. reddit:permalink URL Full address. Permalink to the comments page - this is not the submitted link. reddit:num_comments Number Number of comments reddit:id String Unique ID used by Reddit to identify this submission/comment reddit:subreddit_id String Unique ID of the subreddit. ========================================== ======= ========================== ===================