############# Configuration ############# Before you can do anything, you need to set up a couple of things. First of all, you need a `Redis `__ (`Windows x64 port `__) instance running. Egeria doesn't require you to modify the default configuration in order to work, but if you want to learn about Redis knock yourself out. All Egeria cares about is the host running Redis and the port Redis is listening on. They go in ``redisHost`` and ``redisPort``. Egeria will itself listen on a port of your choosing for connections from its commandline interface (egeria-ctl). That number goes in ``port``. Choose a log level; I recommend ``info`` but if you want to take a peek inside you can use ``debug``. This goes in ``logLevel``. .. code-block:: javascript { "system": { "redisHost": "localhost", "redisPort": 6379, "port": 54321, "logLevel": "debug" }, "tasks": [] } Save this configuration as a JSON file anywhere you want. This is called the "null configuration" - because it contains no tasks - but it's enough to get Egeria running. Your next step is setting up authentication for all the services you wish Egeria to use on your behalf. ******************** Authentication setup ******************** TODO You can now configure tasks and plugins. ***** Tasks ***** A task only has a ``name`` and a ``chain`` of plugins. The ``chain`` can be empty: .. code-block:: javascript { "system": { "redisHost": "localhost", "redisPort": 6379, "port": 54321, "logLevel": "debug" }, "tasks": [{ "name": "test", "chain": [] }] } If you actually want the task to do something, you need to put plugins in its ``chain``. While only the order of mutators matters, it's best to sort the chain putting all the input plugins at the beginning, then all of the mutators in the right order, and finally all of the output plugins.